Sunday, April 26

After the Weekend

A Monday afternoon in the office is usually a quiet one.

I have just finished some readings about television and the Diaspora community, and now feel the sudden urge to write. But, write about what?

Well, it seems that the only time I can manage to post a new blog entry is in the office. Which makes it a little hard to get creative, since my brain is usually too fried to brainstorm anything interesting by the time I get to sit down and type. So I decided to have another browse through dessert recipes (something I have been doing more regularly since my last post about the Green Tea Sponge Cake).

Anyway, I found this website called the Joy of Baking ( and I clicked on a recipe for Peanut Blossom Cookies, which, by the way, looks like the perfect dessert for Peanut Butter lovers!

So, what it is, exactly, is a Peanut Butter flavoured cookie with a Hershey's Chocolate Kiss as a yummy, decorational topping. Apparently, there is nothing better than chocolate and Peanut Butter. Put the two together and you've got yourself some killer dessert going. This stuff seems really good for 'movie nights' with friends, or, for whenever you feel like a Peanut Butter snack attack. I mean, I have nothing against eating out of the jar, but sometimes I wouldn't mind having a Peanut Butter snack that can be dipped in tea or a mug of warm milk (mmm...). This sounds relatively simple as well. But, I mean this in a good way. You know what they say, 'Simple is the Best'! So here's a picture of what they look like.

Nothing more needs to be said...typed :)

Well...maybe not about Peanut Blossoms, but I wanted to do a little personal promotion for this Thai franchise restaurant called 'Yai'. Actually, there are only two restaurants and they're both in Sydney. I have never heard of it before, so I'm not sure how well I can recommend it, but it seems relatively cheap and, could be delicious.

I was looking through the pile of junk mail sent to the office today and found their flyer. They have this combo deal going on at the moment, where you can choose bewteen a curry, wok fired, noodle or salad dish, plus a can of drink, for only $10. If you're a student, like me, ten dollars is already way too pricy on the 'stingy lunch' radar, but, being so spend wary myself, I wouldn't be giving this place a thumbs up unless I thought it was acceptable. So, what it is, is they also do free lunch deliveries between 11 am and 3 pm, 7 days a week. Oooh.. you can also place internet orders!! I think ten dollars plus free delivery is pretty good. Here's their website

Happy Thai Eating!!.. oh and also cheers to Peanut Butter ^o^


(Yum Nua Salad aka. Thai Beef Salad)

Thursday, April 23

The things we really want in Life

These cakes look amazing!
I think I know what I want for my birthday now ^_^

Mango seems to be a prevalent fruit in these cakes hahaha!!
Marshmallows, Strawberries, Mangoes and our favourite Sanrio characters!
What more could a girl ask for??

This image is from House of Kitty blog, blogger called Emily!
You have such an amazing blog <3

This cake looks amazing!

Friday is in the air

Ahh.. yes, it is that time of the week again. Friday has come at last!

So, I was in the car this morning. The sun was hitting maximum on the shine-o-meter and Parramatta Road was as dusty as ever. The cars were in their usual bumper to bumper action and if you were not a Parramatta Road regular, I suppose you would not have noticed a certain calmness in the air this morning. No! I feel that 'calmness' does not nearly convey the atmosphere of this mornings' traffic. It was more like a welcoming enthusiam. It was most spectacular! It is a great feeling to know that the car behind you doesn't want to ram into the back of your car because they have just about had it in the office!

So I thought I would dedicate this short post to all those people out there who are glad that Friday has come at last. Although I know, that this indulgence in the anticipation of the weekend, does not diminish the fact that Friday is still a full working day. I do know that, regardless, of this inconvinient truth, I will be waltzing out of the office today at 5:15 pm with a sore back, but a very big grin on my face.

Here, I will leave you with a few words from Hard- Fi.

"When it gets too much,
I live for the rush.
Got some money to spend,
Living for the weekend."

Have a Great Weekend!


Sunday, April 19

Green Tea Sponge Cake

I am very excited at the moment. I can't explain how excited I am so maybe you'll be able to gather from how much I am going to rant in this post. 

Anyway, the story goes... 

I was just finishing up some paperwork at the office today and my boss hadn't come into the office yet. Like most people, I wanted to procrastinate a little while I still had the chance. So, I decided to google 'Asian desserts', and that didn't work out too well. So I then googled 'Asian desserts, green tea sponge cake'!!... and guess what happened?

Well, I'm sure most of you can work out what happened. Or maybe not? Unless you know me, and know that I am dreadful in the kitchen. Even with pasta! Oh dear, especially with my pasta :(

Anyway... *rant rant rant* and after many days....

I clicked on, maybe, the third link down from the top ten results and found the most amazing blog ever! I had never seen so many dessert recipes on one website before. In saying that, I don't usually go out of my way to search for dessert recipes. But, in the world of procrastination, anything goes. 

Never in my life had I felt that making beautiful, beautiful cakes was a tangible aspiration, let alone accomplishment. But now I feel that everything has changed and, that perhaps, I'll be able to pull something, moderately spectacular, off!

Getting on with my story.... 

This particular link I clicked on directed me to a blog all about food of both Eastern and Western Cuisine. I know that hardly breaks things down in terms of detail, but I suppose it just emphasizes the diversity of this blog, okay???

I think the writer/creator/dessert extraordinaire/anonymous caters for parties and what not. So there was a lot of variety, both sweet and savory, in the recipes she posted. However, I was only interested in the desserts!!!

If I existed in anime land, I'm sure my eyes would have been swirling  in spirals, or something else dramatic of that nature. I don't think anyone would have been able to comprehend how enthusiastic or ecstatic I was feeling. I'm pretty sure there would have been some drooling action going on as I was perusing through the pictures of her green tea sponge cake. ^o^

And that's when I decided to attempt one myself...

I don't know what to make of the ellipses. But, it either suggests that I am going to fail, epically, or that this is going to be one of the most greatly anticipated culinary experiences of a life time! Sorry about the sarcasm... I am being modest, truly ^_^

Well, hopefully it will be neither. All I want for the final product is a green tea sponge cake that doesn't topple over, or better yet, not having the icing drip off the edges because I accidentally added the wrong kind of sugar...(yes, it has happened before...).

So fingers crossed!
I'll post up photos regardless of the result!!!

Signing off now~
