I'm at work, again. I just finished the last bit of Chocolate to my Kinder Surprise. It was a surprise indeed! I got one of those table top spinny things.
It feels like so long since I've touched this blog. It's nice to be writing leisurely, again. As opposed to essays! Not that there is anything wrong with essays...*shifting eyes*
Yay! It is, also, World Environment Day today. So I encourage everyone do their bit for Mothernature, and we'll pretend that we've all done a good deed and made a difference. Sorry for being sarcastic. I suppose that is a little harsh on my part. I think we do make a difference (no sarcasm implied here). Lately, I've been switching off all powerpoints...nothing is on standby anymore. Sometimes I go to turn the TV on and think that we're out of power again. I made a vow, some years ago, that when I became a first home buyer, I wouldn't buy houses in suburbs with telegraph poles above ground! Three days without electricity is diabolical. I mean, quite literally! One minute you can heat up dinner in the microwave and the next, you have to steam everything. We had a lot of steamed food... Also, it was quite hard living without the automatic water boiler! (I think that's an Asian thing).. OH MY GOSH.. and the rice cooker! How could I forget the rice cooker!!
Anyway, if you see some rubblish floating around, pick it up and put it in the bin. Plant a tree, or something of that nature (haha..tree, nature..teehee). Print double sided today, or use scrap paper...hell, if you have time, make your own paper from newspaper pulp! If you live in Australia, contemplate taking a 4 minute shower. It's not too bad, really. If you feel there is no need to be doing all this, just turn on your television or go online to watch stranded polar bears on melting ice caps. Surely, that would make your eyes water and knees go weak.
My only conundrum: Why isn't the 'Google' icon reminding us that it's 'World Environment Day'? If Mary Casset's birthday is worth celebrating on Google, then surely, 'World Environment Day' would be too...right??
Look at it his way...

You can't have everything you want in life...but you can keep convincing yourself that the glass is, perpetually, half full!
Over and Out,
Kat ~
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