Here's a list of things to have handy in case you, too, are visited by Mrs. Grouch.
1. A butter knife
2. A good coffee cup lid
3. A back of steel to support the ten million books you might have to carry with you to Uni
4. A third arm so that you can carry your lap top whilst trying to get your library card out of your bag, and also carrying a boiling cup of tea.
5. A torch, so that you can go to the bathroom, as opposed to feeling up the walls of the UTS library toilet, trying to find the light switch
6. Josh Pyke on itunes
Yep, that's about it!
Take it from me, these are the quintessential items that will kick start you to a fabulous day!
Go away Mrs. Grouch!
I need positivity to keep me going today!

I don't know what this postcard says... but he looks a little like me at the moment!
Especially, the hunched back...