Wednesday, March 31

For the Sandwich Lover

I love sandwiches. I love them because I am fascinated by them. I'm in awe of the idea. Bread+filling+bread=love. Here are some of my favourites.

- Turkish roll, turkey breast, cranberry sauce and avocado.(toasted or not... it's yummy)
- Wholemeal roll, rare roast beef, seeded mustard, beetroot and spanish onion.(I prefer this one raw and wriggling)

This one isn't really a sandwich, but it's still a good combination.
- Crusty sourdough, banana and honey...maybe add some ricotta to that, then top it off with a sprinkle of ground cinnamon.

Happy sandwich making and eating.

Ooh... and I'm going to enjoy the gingerbread cookie my sister got me. YAY!

It's a RHINO cookie with pink icing!!!

From Cookie Couture, with love!

Saturday, March 20

My New Music

How to Tame Lions- Washington
Heretics- Andrew Bird
And the Boys- Angus and Julia Stone
Final Word- Direct Influence
When You Walk in the Room- Fyfe Dangerfield
Audience of One- Loyalty to Loyalty


Tuesday, March 16

Best Baked Beans I've Ever Eaten

'Dear Daniel' (Hello Kitty's boyfriend): He is a pretty cool boyfriend to Hello Kitty. He wears overalls, like me.
'Hello Kitty' ("I weigh three apples"): She's a pretty cool kitty. She is also almost reaching
menopause age.
Okay... enough of the random facts!

Today I was being really moody and angry because Uni is being a real Mrs. Grouch to me. But then, after I threw a chair at the fridge, almost hitting my boyfriend, Tony decided to cook me baked beans and eggs. It was the best baked beans I've ever eaten. We decided that we want to make our own baked beans, and add XO sauce to it for a super spicy experience.

Go get some 'Heinz Baked Beans' or 'Heinz Spaghetti". It will do wonders when you're feeling down.

Saturday, March 13


2010 Spring Collection
I have gone absolutely crazy over procrastinating on wedding gowns! Please let me wear one of these gowns, once in my life!!! I am gobsmacked at how incredulously beautiful and gracious these gowns look. To make this obsession sound worse, my sister and I were looking at the Vera Wang tableware collection in David Jones the other day. It was so very, very nice. Yes Vera, that image on your website says it all. I, one day, would love to be eating Jasmine tea
macarons on your tableware collection! Amazing! Please have a look on her website:

Her 2010 bridal collection is stunning!

This one here (above) is not a Vera Wang gown. I just think it looks very pretty :)

This one here (above), also not a Vera Wang gown. But, also very, very pretty!

"Yes, of course I'm getting married in these shoes!"

Thursday, March 11

New songs to learn

My "routine" lifestyle seems to have settled, once again.
Uni, work, piano lessons...

It's all really good for me, actually. I need routine. It helps me focus and set myself on steadily working towards a goal.

Anyway, I have chosen to learn a Spanish piece by Manuel del Falla called, Danza del Terror: The Dance of Terror. It's very different to anything else I have learnt before, and it's all very exciting. I definitely need to work on my timing and feeling that syncopated rhythm (grace notes, triplets...).

I'm hoping that I will get a chance to perform this year. I use to be so anxious at the prospect of performance, however, now I realize that it is so vital to understanding the purpose of music, in a sense. The performance strips away feeling that playing music is encompassed by the pedantic remembering of notes and, the strict adherence to dynamic. The audience are the ones who write the music. They conduct the performance. I can play the same song ten times for ten different audiences, and I'm sure that it will feel different every time.

Another exciting prospect is that I will be properly learning my first Chopin song. It's a slow Waltz and it sounds very pretty: a lovely melody. I have decided that I do not want to play a popular song this time round. Nothing Andrew Lloyd Webber, even though this pains me deeply. I have an impinging feeling that I need to expand my musical horizons, and build up some knowledge in other genres of music. There is so much out there, and so little time to learn all of it.

Hopefully I will love these songs as much as I have loved the songs I played for sixth grade. I still feel bad that I haven't learnt La Coucou yet. It's such a lovely song: so much movement. Maybe I should just whip it out whenever I'm bored.

I should be getting back to my readings now... I always forget how dense readings are. They always get the better of me.

Happy reading to me...

